plastosome 英 ˈplæstəsəʊm 粒线体 网络释义 专业释义 plastometry塑件测定法 plastosome 线粒体 plastron龟腹甲 粒线体 , 1959 粒线体 spheroplastmitochondria。
plastomes were found to be highly similar in overall size 156 243–157 578 bp, structure, gene order, and content Our phylogenomic analysis of the。
genome alignments and contents of the six plastomes 160,121–162,594 bp are highly conserved, except for the pseudogenization andor loss of the rpl22。
The plastomes range between 157 817 and 158 995 bp in length, and we found different levels of inverted repeat IR contraction among the three sampled。
plastomes obtained from GenBank, representing 24 genera of Lauraceae and 17 related families of angiosperms, plus nine barcodes from 19 additional species。
plastomes Image byKIB Fig 2 Sorted ordinal and interordinal node age estimates using TreePL based on the phylogenetic trees of 80 genes of 2,881。
we found that Passiflora plastomes have experienced multiple independent and shared inversions, gene and introns losses and inverted repeat expansion and。
中国药科大学李萍陆续团队近期在Food Chemistry期刊发表了题为“Comparative plastomes of eight subgenus Chamaesyce。
Swapping of plastomes between the three different genomic groups, EDF+, T+, S+, probably resulted from random backcrossing。
and flexible batch annotation of plastomes”为题在国际植物方法学重要期刊Plant Methods上在线发表曲小健博士现在山东师范大。
using complete plastomes as superbarcodes”为题发表于国际植物学期刊Frontiers in Plant Science上,研究工作得到了国家科技基础。
Ebenaceae plastomes Insights into genomic features,mutational hotspots, and adaptive evolution”的研究文章该文章利用Illumina。